
At MedCure, we can’t think of anyone more generous than our donors. Their final gifts make medical innovations possible and help to educate and train the medical professionals we all count on. Through their generosity, our donors continue to help each of us live longer and healthier lives.

Please help us to pay tribute to your loved one’s memory by featuring them on our memorial page. In seeing the faces and reading the stories of the men and women who chose to donate with MedCure, we can better honor the impact they have had on all of us. Knowing about them helps us to better appreciate the ways in which whole-body donation and its invaluable contribution to medical research and education touches each and every one of our lives.

There is no set list of information you must provide, but consider including personal stories of your loved one’s family, pets, education, awards, employment, military service, affiliations, achievements, hobbies or interests. Share with us the quirky or unusual facets of their lives that created your most cherished memories. We all would like to get to know the people to whom the future of medicine owes so much.

Brian Hummel
Janice Rickards
Janet Hebert
Mary Roland
Donna Walker
Linda Ann Turano
Kenneth Rife
Kenneth Carr
Paul Bennett
Carol Gruver
David Crane
Violet Campbell
Eugene "Bubba" Mosley
George Mankins
Edwin B. Simmons

Memorial Submission

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    Donor's information:

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    Terms & Conditions

    Permission is granted to MedCure, Inc. the non-exclusive, irrevocable right, license and privilege, to publish the information and photo submitted for company education and promotional purposes on for indefinite period of time. I also grant permission to MedCure, Inc. to publish submitted information on (1) MedCure social media and digital newsletters. I understand that my submission may be edited for content length and/or grammatical errors. Submission will be used in it's entirety or in part. I represent that I have full legal power and authority to publish the information and photo submitted.

    I agree that this information will be shared on MedCure's website for the purpose of memorialization of the donor.