My father, Paul Bennett donated his body to MedCure because he read that they had procured spines to do spinal research, knowing that I have a spinal injury from 2004. Dad knew that it wouldn’t help me, but it would help someone else some day.
Dad never let anything go to waste, right to the end. He didn’t even waste his shell after his Spirit was free. I received the letter today stating that his ashes will be delivered to me in 10 days. Dad and I both are very proud to be part of such a great program.
I wrote a poen for Dad’s last days to ease his passing.
The Spirit
My Spirit lives in the the trees, the rocks, and the sky,
The lakes and the rivers and all the animals of the forest.
This body is just a shell that holds my Spirit,
And now my Spirit is free.
My brother and I read this to Dad as he took his last breath. And now I have the privilege of setting his ashes free. For that, I thank you.