Accredited Tissue Bank
Supporting Medical Research and Education
MedCure, accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB), provides cadaveric research and training support across the globe, advancing surgical bioskills and facilitating tomorrow's medical breakthroughs.
Tissue Bank Services
Anatomical Specimens
There is no substitute for the knowledge gained from hands-on medical education using human cadavers. MedCure maintains AATB accreditation and ensures the highest specimen quality. We operate according to legal and ethical best practices for tissue banking, and we perform serology testing on all donors. Special preservation and preparation techniques are available, as well as a wide array of imaging services. Global coverage is provided through MedCure’s European distribution facility.
Surgical Education & Training
MedCure manages all aspects of surgical training courses regardless of size, venue, or location. We oversee venue coordination; offer technician support; provide MedCure specimens, surgical tools and equipment; and perform all logistical functions. We also maintains full-service facilities in Portland, OR and Henderson, NV. We provide complete surgical simulation laboratories, as well as MedCure cadaver specimens through our on-site tissue banks.

Connect With MedCure
Contact our team of specialists to help meet your anatomical specimen and surgical course management needs.
MedCure is a leader in providing non-transplant, anatomical tissue services and state-of-the-art surgical training facilities.
Our team consists of innovative and service-focused personnel providing non-transplant, anatomical tissue, bioskills labs, and surgical training management. Whether you require anatomical specimens, space to hold a course, lab personnel to assist you, or a comprehensive service package, MedCure specialists will consult with you to deliver a solution that satisfies your unique needs.
Help us begin to develop a solution that’s right for you by completing and submitting this form. We will then contact you directly via phone or email, whichever you prefer, with any additional questions we may have regarding your needs.

“MedCure had everything set up and ready for the start of our bioskills lab in Chicago. They were well equipped and appeared to have everything the clinicians needed. MedCure staff were professional, polite, constantly monitoring the activity, asking if the clinicians needed help and seemed to be there with a solution whenever someone needed something. MedCure exceeded my expectations.”
Boston Scientific
AATB Accredited Tissue Bank
The American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) is a national organization dedicated to educating tissue banks around the country on the highest quality, safety, and ethical standards of practice. Since 2014, MedCure has maintained voluntary accreditation through AATB in order to serve donors and the medical community at the highest levels. Each of our 4 accredited facilities adheres closely to AATB’s Standards in order to ensure the quality and safety of our tissue and the deepest respect for our donors and their families.

For further information concerning the American Association of Tissue Banks, go to