MedCure would not be the company we are if it were not for our donors, and we are actively pursuing new ways to recognize these individuals for their generous gifts to us and to the medical research community. When we say we cannot thank them enough, we mean it! As part of these efforts, we have begun a new tradition: our annual Donor Memorial Day. Our first observance occurred on Tuesday, September 24, 2019, and this new tradition is one we look forward to carrying on in the future. Donor Memorial Day offers us a way in which we can both honor our donors and provide donor families with a special occasion to share memories of their loved ones with us and with the rest of the world.
To mark this year’s inaugural celebration, we floated a memorial wreath out to sea at Depoe Bay, Oregon. In addition to serving as the location of our scatterings at sea, Depoe Bay has a long tradition of wreath floats honoring those who have passed, including the Fleet of Flowers ceremony that takes place there every Memorial Day. In order to ensure that our service would not have a negative impact on the environment, we chose a wreath specifically to be 100% biodegradable with fresh real flowers on a paper mache frame. Before the wreath went out to sea, it made a quick stop by our Portland office so that we could get some pictures to share with our donors and donor families.
If you follow MedCure on social media, you might have seen mentions of Donor Day over the past few weeks. We wanted to share photos of the wreath as well as additional information about the Donor Day celebration with as wide an audience as possible. After all, everyone deserves to hear about the amazing people who have given so significantly to the advancement of medical science. We received some great positive responses almost immediately! Many of our donor families were proud to proclaim that their loved ones were whole body donors, and our social media followers offered an outpouring of respect and gratitude to the donors who make our work possible.
We’re already looking forward to next year’s Donor Day celebration, and we hope that even more of our donor families will take this opportunity to share their loved ones’ stories with the rest of the world. We hope you will all join us next time on the last Tuesday in September, 2020.