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Cora Meredith

Cora Meredith, a MedCure Whole Body Donor

Ms. Cora E Meredith was born with polio that limited her mobility; but she never let that limitation define her. A true extrovert, she loved being with people and sharing her imaginative stories as long as she had a good listener.

She raised 3 children and did volunteer work for years until osteoporosis and kidney failure took their toll. Confined to a wheelchair, she still enjoyed life and making new friends wherever she went.

Her greatest enjoyment was to be with her 3 children, 13 grandchildren, 36 great grandchildren, and 3 great-great grandchildren. But, as the years progressed, she knew it was time to properly prepare for her home-going. So, in 2015, she finalized her will and gave the directive that her body be donated to medical science to advance the treatment and cure of diseases.

Though frail and failing in health, she remained engaged and happy to the end. On March 8, 2011, she went home to be with the Lord at the ripe old age of 87. She loved her family and we were blessed that though she had Alzheimer’s disease, she recognized us and regaled us with her lively stories right up until the end.